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Francisco Cifuentes is an architect, founder of Aulets Arquitectes. He obtained his title in 2001 from the ETSAB UPC in Barcelona. He holds a PhD from the same institution with his thesis “La Lonja de Guillem Sagrera “. He has been a professor at the EAR Reus (2008-2015) and ESARQ UIC in Barcelona. He is part of the research group in UIB Balearic Islands, Project R+D+I. He has been an associate curator of the exhibition of “Domus Mare Nostrum. Habiter Le Mythe Méditerraneén” in Toulon. He has been General Director of Department of Housing in the City Council of Palma (2015-2018). He has won the ”THE PETER DAVEY SPECIAL PRIZE” in 2018.

Building: Sant Josep
Address: C. Quatre Camins 2, 08022, Barcelona
Floor: -1
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